about me

My name is Matthias and I am born in 1984. I am living in Germany and I am in the miniature painting hobby since 2002 right now.
Beside being a painter and gamer, I am married and a proud dad of two children.
I started miniature painting and wargaming with Lord of the Rings from Games Workshop. At this time I had no idea that this hobby will accompany me for more as a decade now. I just fell in love to use colors in such a different way I was used to to this point. Sure thing, painting miniatures was always only one portion as I enjoyed playing miniatures games as much.
Some years after starting with the Lord of the Rings Battle Strategy Game, I found out that there was so much more interesting wargames to discover. So I stick my nose into the worlds of AT-43, the Star Wars Miniatures Battles Game from West End Games, Dystopian Wars, Dystopian Legions, Frostgrave, Bolt Action, Freebooters Fate, Star Wars Armada, Star Wars Legion and at last Star Wars Shatterpoint.
As longtime Star Wars fan, the annoucement of Star Wars Legion was like finding the Holy Grail regarding my hobby and I was hooked ever since.
On this site you will find a showcase of my painted miniatures. Have fun discovering my work.