The Imperial combat assault tank has great maneuverability in tight quarters, such as the streets of occupied cities. Its laser cannons can devastate enemy troops, and the powerful engines can transport heavy payloads.
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This Occupier tank contains a fully operational MP3 Player with speaker on the flatbed. Powered by a 9V Block battery the Arduino inside turns the Kyber Crates, that are equiped with NFC chips inside, to MP3 Crates. The NFC chips are getting read by a RFID reader which starts the MP3 module.
It was a pain to get everything inside the tank. It is completly stuffed with electronic parts and cabels, but finally I managed to get it inside AND working.
Each crate is programmed for another Mode. So there is the orange crate for Battle Mode, which contains battle sounds and radio chatter. With the red crate the different Star Wars OSTs are getting played and the blue one turns the Occupier into a DJ, playing Star Wars remixes.